Thursday, August 28, 2008

One Week Down

So the first week of rehearsals has concluded.

We basically spent this first week with the text. We've been talking a lot about who these characters are and what drives them...yes, what are their motivations, what are their actions? How do they relate to each other and why? Why do they say what they say? Why do they behave the way they behave? All of that really meaty textual analysis that's where we've been this first week. We've staged a couple of moments and scenes but really right now, it's all about the ditalking. Some of the work we're doing to find these characters has focused on improvs and theater games and some of the discoveries we're making have been downright surprising to me...and I honestly thought I knew these shows inside and out! Man, I love my job...

We've also been fine tuning the scripts themselves. The nightly phone calls between me and Camilla have been really fun as I update her on how the rehearsals are going and what's working and what's not and she scrambles, in the midst of writing her dissertation prospectus, to also rewrite whole scenes from the plays. She's a superwoman, folks...and that ain't no exaggeration!

Next week our focus, as the actors get off book, will be in staging the scenes - really moving them through the events of the play and starting to find not just who these characters are, but how they exist in the worlds we are creating for them on stage. Can. Not. WAIT!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The August 23rd Fundraiser...or not...

So, I'm sure some of you are wondering: "wasn't there supposed to be a GTTP winetasting this Saturday? Why didn't I get an invitation? Does Jessica think my money isn't good enough for her?"
...I assure you that is not the case.

For those of you who have not heard the saga...I had a place in mind and was having trouble hearing back from the guy in charge, who we'll call Vinnie. I went back and forth and at many points had been assured that the space was booked and that we were good to go (hence my mention of it in the last newsletter) and then, when I finally Vinnie on the phone (and that was VERY difficult to do), I was told (a week and a half before the winetasting) that the venue wasn't available and that they'd have to do the winetasting another time. Pissed doesn't begin to describe it.

So I spent a couple of days composing my angry retort in my head and BFitW (that's best fiance in the world, for those of you not hip to the abbreviations of the kids these days - OK, I made it up but the title still applies), BFitW spent several days making calls and figuring out a way to do the winetasting somewhere else and with some other distributors. The decision we came to was that we're going to push the winetasting to September 20th. The show will be in its opening weekend and, though it would be good to have that money now, I think there will be better attendance at both the show and the fundraiser if they happen in conjunction with each other.

But, the saga does not end there. Two days ago, I get a call from the original venue - this time from a different guy - we'll call him Foley. He asks me if we're on for Saturday. After a bit of spluttering and a few what the hecks (though, I assure you "heck" was not the word racing through my head) I said that I had been told by Vinnie that it wasn't available and so I had had no choice but to cancel it. So Foley tells me, "yeah, we fired Vinnie and the venue was available the whole time."

So, not to sound all valley girl or anything (damn, I'm dating myself with that comment) but I'm totally bummed. It's too late to arrange for the wine tasting this weekend (aside from the fact that I'm not sure I can get the necessary 30 people to the event in 4 days time) I have already scheduled rehearsals for all day on Saturday. And, there's no other weekend before the show opens when we're not rehearsing, or out of town or both. So basically it means I'm out a big fundraiser that was supposed to happen during the rehearsal period. Very frustrating! And I need to talk to Foley and see if there's another time that we can do something.

It's just a big bummer. Not tragic or anything. Not unrecoverable, but seriously a bummer. This is my bummed face:

: (

(yeah, I know. It's not very original, but it totally captures my feeling when I think of what could have been)

The crew is assembled...

Just a quick post to let everyone know that the main crew positions have been filled and the first full production meeting is Thursday night.

Set Designer - Bibiana is an artist who has worked in all different mediums. She has some fantastic ideas about using projections to establish the settings of the 30 different locations in the play. Considering my love for the most recent production of Sunday In The Park With George which was all projections all the time, this is a match made in heaven. Oh yeah, and she's a sci fi fan.

Lighting/Sound Designer - Jon has done light and sound design all over the city and currently has a standing gig at Lehman College. He has already started thinking "outside the box" which will be particularly important for this show and it's 40 scene transitions (yes I said 40).

Stage Manager/ Property Master - Tiffane has been an actor, director and playwright at Southeastern Louisiana University as well as wearing the stage manager and asm hat on more than a few productions. She is almost as enthusiastic to get started as I am - if that's possible.

The only other crew position I'm looking to fill is the special fx makeup artist who will create (and teach my actress how to apply and remove), the scar she wears in the first act. I have a lead on a couple of possibles, but if you have anyone in mind, send 'em my way!

...and we have a cast

Hello All,

I've been meaning to post for about a week now - the show is cast and we have an exciting, terrific group of actors.

9 actors. 3 One Acts. 1 evening of fun (actually 9 evenings of fun what with there being 9 performances and all...but, you know what I mean).

In order of appearance, the cast is:
ACTOR A......................................Lena Hurt
ACTOR B......................................Bayla Whitten
ACTOR C......................................Avery Pearson
ACTOR D......................................John Joseph MacDonald
ACTOR E......................................Joe Palermo
ACTOR F......................................Adam Feingold
ACTOR G......................................Rebecca Lovett
ACTOR H......................................Marika Daciuk
ACTOR I.......................................Ashley Fox Linton

Rehearsals have begun and are already going really well.

We are all really enjoying the process of discovery that comes with a new project. And for me, the thrill of finally being able to really work with these scripts - to workshop the plays and discover what they're about and who these people are, to Direct (with a big ol' capital D),'s kinda the reason I was put on this Earth! And man, is it FUN!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Quick Update - Auditions

Just a quick update: The first round of auditions happened last night. Another round is scheduled for Saturday. Kat, my casting director, is beYOND amazing. Auditions went well last night and I am VERY excited to finally hear these words, which have lived only in my and Camilla's heads for years, actually coming out of actors mouths. I will keep you all posted when the show is cast!

Friday, August 1, 2008


That's right ladies and gents, the production has been scheduled!!!

IN THE EBB will open on September 18th! We have booked performance space at The Sage Theater, in the heart of Times Square - 711 Seventh Avenue. Their website is: As of right now, the performance dates are September 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, October 2, 3, and 4 (there may be additional shows scheduled later but for now there are 9 performances scheduled). I believe the curtain will be at 7:30pm, but I'll keep everyone posted about that as it gets closer and on the how and where to get tickets. As you may be able to tell from my tone in this post I am ECSTATIC! Just beyond excited (as Little Red would say, "well, excited and scared"). The first round of auditions are scheduled for this Tuesday. Actually, Kat, my spectacular casting director, and I had our first casting meeting last night and it was absolutely thrilling. This is the first time I've ever casted a show with the assistance of a casting director and I've got to say, having someone who knows what they're doing helping you out, is a whole new world compared to what I'm used to. It's been a joy, and we haven't even gotten to the actual casting sessions yet.

I'm now on the look out for my production team. If you have any thoughts on someone who might be interested in Stage Managing, Light Design, and/or Set Design, please send them my way. I'm afraid there's no pay but it could be a really great experience for the right folks.

I think that's everything for now. Keep checking back for updates. I'll try to post regularly and let everyone know how auditions/rehearsals are going.