Friday, September 26, 2008

Week 2

So we've had 4 performances. It's going very well. We have had good reception from our audiences so far. And I'm really happy with the way the cast and crew are sinking into the show. There are always a couple of things that you wish you could change, but since I've been needing to run crew, I haven't been able to see a lot of the show and so, can't take notes. It's a shame and a lesson I've definitely learned for future productions. Locking in crew will be step one for the next production.

That being said, we are hitting that point in a production where a director passes the reins of the show to the stage manager and stops belonging to the director and starts belonging to the performers - it's always a hard transitional point for me.

The cast and crew are doing an amazing job and I'm absolutely thrilled with what I have seen of the show. I'm hoping we'll be able to get some press to come and see it and maybe even review it...fingers crossed.

If you haven't seen it yet, get your butt to the Sage Theater - only 5 performances left. Details can be found at

I'll post again soon.

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