Friday, October 16, 2009

What if you threw a fundraiser and nobody came?

So we had a winetasting planned...and we were good to go next Saturday...and the place was affordable...and though it had a 20 person limit, I thought, "we can do this"...bring in some cash...really kick off the fall fundraising drive...yeah! I was psyched, psyched I tell you. I put together the Evite. I invited 128 people. I thought, "we can get 10 people to pay 60 bucks for a winetasting, no problem."

Well, actually...Big problem. I don't know if it's the economy or if it's the idea of a winetasting or maybe this is a time when people are travelling a lot? I don't know. I just know that there wasn't enough interest for folks to commit and it suddenly was not a financially viable fundraising idea so I had to cancel, :( which if you can't tell from the emoticon, makes me sad...

So, now what? Where does that leave us? Well, we're still aiming for an October fundraiser. Now we're focused on a Halloween Costume Party. Hopefully the price tag change from $60 to $10 will make a difference. I mean, come on, you go to a party and bring a bottle of wine or a 6 pack of decent beer and you're spending more then 10 bucks so hopefully people will be down for the fundraising aspect of it and we'll make some bank...even if it's just a little bank.

And, we're looking towards the next few months. I think November is out because it'll be so soon after the Halloween Party and then we're into Thanksgiving, but a Holiday Cookie Party in December? Well that might be some fun. Nothing too crazy-just picking a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and inviting people to come on by whenever they want during like a 4 hour period, roll out some cookies and bake them. Kids will be welcome. There will be wine for the grown ups and the brand new Kitched Aid I got for a wedding present can get some use...I figure people can pay $15-$20 and come away with a dozen cookies or so. We'll supply the dough and the oven and the wine and we'll have a nice afternoon holiday party...

So, hopefully that will bring in some bucks (again, we're not talking thousands of dollars but maybe a few hundred).

And, that should take us through the end of the year. I will say that with fundraising slowing to a crawl, we're looking at postponing the show a bit, which is a bummer, but I'd rather wait until we have the funds and do Dreamers of the Day in March or April or even early May, than rush it into production with one fifth of the budget we really need to make the show everything it could be.

Never fear, I'm bummed but not discouraged and I'm NOT giving up. This show, when we pull it off, is going to be FANTASTIC!!! And I am COMMITTED to making it everything I know it can be. Keep your fingers crossed that the money starts flowing. I'll keep everyone posted on progress as we go.

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